2) Avg % of these items have (multiple sizes, can add Extras, that have Opportunity to be Upsold)
2a) *Only for Upsizing) What % of time do guests NOT ask for a specific size.
3) What % of time do you believe your staff actually offer (Largest size, Extras / Add-ons, or Upselling, ) when there's an opportunity? (Hoptix Data Exclusive)
4) What % of the time do you believe the guest say yes to (Largest size, Extras / Add-ons, or Upselling,) when offered? (Hoptix Data Exclusive)
5) How Confident are you in this Offer %
6) What is Avg$ for the Sales increase when these are sold (Largest size, Extras / Add-ons, or Upselling)?
7) What % of time should your staff offer when there is an opportunity?